Credit: Adobe Stock

Polish astronaut on ISS to carry out psychological study prepared by University of Silesia

The University of Silesia in Katowice has signed a contract with the European Space Agency (ESA) to monitor the mental and behavioural health of astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS). The test person will be a Polish astronaut.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Warsaw University of Technology students are working on new satellite; launched planned in 2025

    Students at the Warsaw University of Technology are working on the third nanosatellite PW-Sat3, whose task will be to test the proprietary drive that enables efficient deorbitation and manoeuvres in orbit. The launch is planned for autumn 2025. The work was delayed due to the pandemic and lack of stable financing.

  • The Milky Way above the OGLE telescope at the Las Campanas Observatory in Chile. The star symbol indicates the location of the newly discovered Cepheid OGLE-GD-CEP-1884 i. The remaining yellow dots are the other known Cepheids, most of them discovered by the OGLE project (Credit: J. Skowron, K. Ulaczyk).

    Warsaw astronomers discover Milky Way's longest-period classical Cepheid

    Astronomers from the Astronomical Observatory at the University of Warsaw have discovered a massive variable star, i.e. a classical Cepheid, with the longest pulsation period in our galaxy. According to researchers, it is not only the brightest, but also probably the youngest known classical Cepheid in the Milky Way. It is 22 million years old.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Record stellar-mass black hole detected in the Milky Way

    Thanks to the Gaia Observatory, the European Southern Observatory's telescope and other ground-based instruments, scientists have tracked down a record-breaking black hole in our galaxy. Polish astronomers from the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Warsaw took part in the research.

  • Credit: Szymon Kozłowski

    Hunting for meteorites - oldest pieces of matter on Earth

    Meteorites are the oldest pieces of matter that we can find on Earth. Scientists precisely calculate their age at 4.567 billion years. How to find your own meteorite? How to recognize it? Where in Poland can you still find most of them? Professor Szymon Kozłowski, an astronomer and meteorite expert, talks about it in an interview.

  • Photo from press release

    Poland's largest satellite to be launched into orbit this year

    Poland's most advanced and largest satellite will be launched into Earth’s orbit this year, the company co-responsible for its construction reports. The mass of the orbiter is comparable to the combined mass of all Polish satellites built so far.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    Could dark matter consist of elusive sexaquarks?

    The candidates for dark matter particles include a certain neutral and difficult to detect particle - hadron, which is an S sexaquark that fits into the Standard Model. But how to observe this particle? Researchers from the Warsaw University of Technology have the idea for an experiment at CERN.

  • Source: ESA press release

    Swedish astronaut on ISS uses Polish device in experiment

    Swedish astronaut Marcus Wandt used a Polish device to monitor brain function in an experiment conducted on the International Space Station. The spectroscope built in Lublin is now a permanent piece of equipment at the ISS, Wojciech Broniatowski from Cortivision told PAP.

  • Adobe Stock

    Scientists find new source of cosmic dust

    A team of scientists, including Dr. Mariusz Gromadzki from the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Warsaw, has identified a previously unknown source of cosmic dust, the university reports. The dust was produced by the interaction of the matter ejected during a la supernova explosion with the surrounding circumstellar gas.

  • Credit: Adobe Stock

    In 2023 we witnessed ‘truly Copernican revolution for space technologies in Poland’ says POLSA boss

    The year 2023 ‘not only made the dreams of Polish space come true, it significantly exceeded them,’ says president of the Polish Space Agency Professor Grzegorz Wrochna.

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Credit: Coolerheat/Łukasz Witanowski

Scientists want to produce cooling from heat

Dr. Łukasz Witanowski from the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Gdańsk proposes to use waste heat to produce cooling. The scientist is working on a system that will, for example, enable heating networks to generate cooling for air conditioning systems in the summer.